Medical Weight Loss Plans

Starting at $199 per month with no hidden fees.
Get started on your weigh loss journey with our amazing team!

Semaglutide $199/mo

Compounded formula that arrives at your door in about 1 week.
Start your weight loss journey now! Your initial physician consultation in only $99 to get you qualified for the plan. After your initial consultation you will only pay $199 for the medication per month (includes all provider visits). Book your appointment now!  You must live in Colorado, Arizona, Kentucky or Minnesota. 

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Terzepatide $425/mo

Compounded formula that arrives at your door in about 1 week. This formulation has the highest percentage of weight loss studied. Loss up to 25% of your total weight on this plan. 
Start your weight loss journey now! Your initial physician consultation in only $99 to get you qualified for the plan. After your initial consultation you will only pay $425 for the medication per month (includes all provider visits). Book your appointment now! You must live in Colorado, Arizona, Kentucky or Minnesota.